Trey Gowdy to McCabe: Trump Didn’t Get You Fired, Your Own Fellow Agents Recommended It (VIDEO)

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In the aftermath of Attorney General Jeff Sessions firing FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe late Friday evening, many Democrats have come out against the move. Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) — a Republican — however, said McCabe’s firing was recommended by his own agency.

Gowdy further poked holes in McCabe’s statement that he released shortly after being fired:

That’s right. If you look at his statement, he was really upset that he was being blamed for ending something and the interesting part of his statement, which I hadn’t heard a lot of people talk about, is he was really blaming [Department of Justice]. The Department of Justice is who shut down the investigation. But you know what, Chris? We don’t live in a relativistic world. […] And you don’t get to decide when to tell the truth and when not to. I’m going to withhold judgment until Horowitz’s report comes out. – READ MORE